Saint Vincent De Paul
What to expect
When you contact us to request help, we ask that you fill out the attached form and return it back to us along with a copy of your bill or landlord’s name and number. A volunteers will contact you to discuss your particular problems in depth. Our friendly volunteers will make no judgement on your situation.
Our volunteers can only process requests that are sent in on Monday and Tuesday. So assistance may take up to 10 days depending on the day you request help. We are not an emergency base service.
Request Help Steps
1-Take the first step – Fill out the form
Your personal information is held in strict confidence and is used only for the purpose of providing a suitable service to you. It will not be passed on to any third party without your expressed permission. (All clients are enter in our county charity tracker for other agencies to view in case they can also assist you. These documents are to be email back to:
2-SVDP will get in touch
Upon receipt of the attached form along with a copy of your driver license, bill or landlord name and number, a volunteer will contact with you possibly through a private number. You can discuss issues together in depth. This friendly person will make no judgement on your situation.
The volunteer, along with other members will decide if the client is eligible to receive assistance and the amount of the assistance. The form is then sent into the treasure who will either pay the bill in person or mail a check.
Please be aware that we can only assist a client once a year. If you have difficulty in accessing the form you can call our answering service where someone will reach out to you late in the evening hours:706-205-7710.