Who we are

The Catholic Church of Saint Clement is an awesome community of faith with a rich history, culture, diversity, and spirit of evangelization. The church was established in 1949 and has served the Catholics of Calhoun and Gordon County since that time. Saint Clement provides a diverse environment to celebrate the sacraments of the Catholic Church and praise our God.

Programs, activities, and various ministries support the goal to strengthen a Catholic faith community that builds the kingdom of God. We encourage all members to actively participate in some of the many programs and activities outside of Sunday mass. Our commitment and participation in the parish builds our community in faith and the love of God.

II Sunday in Ordinary Time

“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” – 1 Corinthians 12:7

St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason.  How has God blessed you?  Are you using your gifts according to God’s plan?  How are you helping to build God’s kingdom here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it. Live the life God has intended for you. Take time to discern your charisms (gifts from the Holy Spirit).  Experience the supernatural Peace and Joy God desires for each of us.



Our Religion:

Our Religion offers the answer to our deepest question about the meaning of life. It is a relationship with the creator, with creation and with ourselves. It allows us to be aware of ourselves, of our needs and the needs of others to then be transformed to our fullest self. As St. John wrote: He came that we might have life to the fullest. John 10:10

To learn more about our faith, visit the official Vatican website.


The Sacraments are powerful rituals that communicate God’s grace. They bring the presence of God to the most important moments in a person’s life: birth, maturity, the start of a family, the need for a fresh start, the commitment to serve, an illness and to be sustained in life. They also represent a robust symbol of this family that Christ founded because they are always performed in community


First Communion


Adult Initiation